RegistrarRegistrar of Voters - Anita Wellman (207) 785-4722
Voting & Elections Elections and town written ballot voting are held at the Appleton Fire Station, 2899 Sennebec Road, Appleton, ME Voting Hours - 8:00am to 8:00pm State Elections are held the 1st Tuesday in November and the 2nd Tuesday in June. Annual Municipal Elections are held the 2nd Tuesday in June. You must be a US citizen in order to vote. The State of Maine allows residents to register to vote anytime, including the day of election. Residents may register at the Appleton Town Office; proof of identity and residency are required when registering to vote. The Town of Appleton relies upon volunteers for Election workers, if you are interested please contact the Town Office at 785-4722. Application for Voter Registration Application for Absentee Ballots Voter information for current Elections