Appleton, Maine

Incorporated 1829

Tax rate for 24-25 year = $24.25    July 1, 2024 thru June 30, 2025

--> Interactive Tax Map Viewer  <-- Tax maps with names and valuations

RE Commitment Book (9/24/2024)

PP Commitment Book (9/24/2024)

RE Tax Bills (41 MB)

PP Tax Bills (2 MB)

Prior years:

Tax rate for 23-24 year = $21.50

Tax rate for 22-23 year = $21.50

Tax rate for 21-22 year = $22.80

Tax rate for 20-21 year = $22.80

Tax rate for 19-20 year = $22.80

The Town Assessor is Curt Lebel

Personal/Business Property Listings are due by May 1st each year.

Look up a Real Estate Transfer Tax Declaration Form.

 The State of Maine currently provides several programs to assist residents in paying their property taxes:

  • Homestead Exemption - This exemption currently provides a $17,500 reduction in a property's taxable valuation. The property on which you are claiming this exemption must be your permanent place of residence, and you must be a legal resident of the State of Maine. This application must be submitted to the assessor's office on or before April 1 and does NOT need to be filed each year. (The statutory value of the homestead exemption is $25,000, however, the Town's certified ratio is currently 70%, which reduces the value to $17,500; when the Town completes a revaluation, the value will go back up.)
    Homestead Exemption Application


  • Veteran's Exemption - This exemption currently provides a $6,000.00 reduction in a property's taxable valuation (currently $4,200 because of our certified ratio, see above). You must submit the application with a copy of your (or your spouse's) DD-214 or VA Form 20-5455 or some other proof of entitlement. This exemption is generally available for veterans over age 62, although veterans may apply if they are considered 100% disabled. This application must be submitted to the assessor's office on or before April 1. 
  • Veteran Exemption Application 
  • Property Tax Bulletin No 7 (Tax Exemptions for Veterans)  


  • Tree Growth - This program allows for undeveloped land to be valued by the type and amount of trees growing on it, rather than on a per acre basis. A lot must be at least 10 acres in size. A tree growth management plan, with a map of the property, prepared by a forester, must be filed with the town assessor's agent by April 1st in order to qualify for this program.
  • Tree Growth Application 
  • Property Tax Bulletin No. 19 (Maine Tree Growth Tax Law) 



  • Farmland - This program provides for the valuation of land which has been classified as Farmland based on its current use as Farmland.


  • Tax Deferral Program - This program provides for the deferral of property taxes for certain owners 65 and older. 


  • Tax Stabilization for Senior Citizens - Property Tax Stabilization Program - This was a State program that allowed certain senior-citizen residents to stabilize, or freeze, the property taxes on their homestead. The program was in effect for the 2023 tax commitment in September of 2023. Although the State has discontinued this program, the Legislature did increase the Property Tax Fairness Credit.

  • Property Tax Fairness Credit- This credit can be claimed on your Maine Tax Return if your property taxes exceed a stated percentage of your income. Here's more information.





The Official Website for the Town of Appleton, Maine