Appleton, Maine

Incorporated 1829

Appleton Historical Society

Our  June meeting of the Appleton Historical Society will feature Kerry Hardy, speaking on Maine’s Red Paint People. It will be Monday, June 5th, at the Appleton Library, 2916 Sennebec Road in Appleton Village, by the bridge. The meeting begins at 7 PM. A short business meeting will be followed by Kerry’s talk.

 Kerry will present an introduction to what we know about these people, who were living along the coast in Maine and the Maritime Provinces five thousand years ago. He’ll include a timeline showing where they fit among the various cultural groups who have lived here, and will talk--and perhaps speculate a bit--about what their lives might have been like: what they would have used for food and plant species, how their environment differed from ours today, and of course spend a lot of time on their mortuary practices. This will require introducing the audience to Clark Willoughby's and Warren Moorehead's work here in the early 20th century. He will finish by sharing some thoughts about possible ties between this ancient group and those who came after them, all the way to today's Wabanaki. Lots of slides, some maps, and some of his own analysis and hypotheses...and a few thoughts about what we still may learn about them.


Kerry is author of the book, Notes on a Lost Flute, about Maine’s Native Peoples, which a number of you have read.


Donovan A R Bowley

The Official Website for the Town of Appleton, Maine