Appleton, Maine

Incorporated 1829

Select Board Meeting Guidelines - Approved 2-26-2019

The following guidelines help ensure civil, active public participation during meetings of the Appleton Select Board.

Elected by citizens to perform the town’s business, the Appleton Select Board meets Tuesday evenings in publicized, open meetings. Special Meetings and Public Hearings are also convened as needed. The Board recognizes and welcomes public discussion of municipal issues. Procedures described below allow time for both weekly town business and public participation.

1. Select Board meetings are open to public observation and are held in the meeting room of the town office. The Board provides an opportunity for public input during the Public Comment  section of each meeting’s agenda. Agenda items are the work outline for the Board; the public does not have a right to comment during the discussion of these items, unless called upon by the Chair.


2. An organization or private individual may request an issue be placed on the Select Board agenda for discussion with a written request or phone call to the Chair detailing the subject for consideration by Monday at 9 a.m., or the preceding Friday at 9 a.m. in the event of a Monday holiday.


3. If you wish to speak, wait until the Chair has opened the floor to Public Comments. When recognized, stand, state your name for the record, the agenda item, and nature of your business.


4. All comments must be addressed to the Chair. Questions may not be asked of individual Members. The Chair may answer if information is readily available. Should the matter need further legal research or discussion, the question will be noted and reviewed during a future meeting.


5. Written materials, charts or other documentation require at least six copies for the Chair to distribute.


6. The Board will not entertain Public Comments about specific individuals. Such matters should be referred to the appropriate administrator or person.


7. The Chair has the right to set a time limit for comments to facilitate participation by all. Be prepared to state your business in a brief and concise manner so all have the opportunity to speak at least once on an issue.


8. During a Public Hearing, only the subject matter of the hearing can be discussed. Any other matters must be addressed during open forum.


9. Comments should be courteous. Personal remarks or accusatory comments are always out of order and will be ruled as such. Any person who disrupts a Board meeting may be required to leave. Profanity, disorderly language or gestures at meetings are prohibited.


10. During the debate and discussion, the audience shall not disturb the proceedings by whispering. If this occurs, the Chair may interrupt the speaker and ask that the body show courtesy for the speaker.


Thank you for your anticipated cooperation and participation with the Appleton Select Board. The Board welcomes and values all input and facilitates greater public involvement:

            Weekly agendas are available on, and in the town office.

            Meetings and minutes are recorded and available on the town website.

            As of 2017, Board meetings are held in the open meeting area of the town office, with ample room for public attendance.

Date adopted 2/26/2019, by unanimous vote      


The Official Website for the Town of Appleton, Maine