Appleton, Maine

Incorporated 1829


Appleton is part of School Union 69 for grades Pre-K - 8 along with the towns of Hope and Lincolnville.

Appleton Village School is located at
737 Union Road
Appleton, ME 04862
(207) 785-4504
Principal: Jared Todd

Superintendent of Schools: Kathryn Clark  
The superintendent's office is located at:
2561 Atlantic Hwy
Lincolnville, ME 04849-5350
Phone: 763-3818

For grades 9 - 12, Appleton belongs to the Five Town Community School District, along with the towns of Hope, Lincolnville, Camden and Rockport.

Camden Hills Regional High School is located at:
25 Keelson Dr.
Rockport, ME 04856
Phone: 236-7800
Principal: Jen Curtis 


Superintendent of Schools: Maria Libby 
The superintendent's office is located at:
7 Lions Lane
Camden, ME 04843
Phone: 230-0025

The Official Website for the Town of Appleton, Maine